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National Conference on Women Entrepreneurship
Aug 10, 2023 Hotel ITC Kakatiya, Hyderabad, 10.00 a.m.

Women entrepreneurs and their increasing presence in India have significantly influenced the social and economic demographics of the country. According to media reports, over 20% of MSMES are owned by women entrepreneurs in India which amounts to 23.3% of the labor force. Women entrepreneurs are bring new ideas and approaches to traditional industries, as well as creating new products and services. Despite facing numerous challenges, such as lack of access to capital and limited opportunities for skill development, their resilience, and determination are helping to change attitude towards women in business. It is time to challenge the stereotypes that often hold women back and promoting equal opportunities, equal representation that help in the overall growth of the economy. There is an urgent need to work towards creating more inclusive and diverse ecosystem that breaks down barriers and offer support to aspiring women entrepreneurs.

FICCI in association with Government of Telangana and WE-hub is organizing “Aadhyasri – National Women Entrepreneurship Summit” on Wednesday, 10th August, 2023 at 10.00 a.m. at Hotel ITC Kakatiya, Hyderabad, with a theme “A Step Forward to Empowerment and Sustainability of Women Entrepreneurs”

The main objective of the Summit is to provide a comprehensive platform to discuss and deliberate on the above challenges and to celebrate the achievements of Indian Women Entrepreneurs.

The Summit will be attended by women leaders from various industries, women start-ups, experienced working women from IT & non-Industry who are enthusiastic to venture as an entrepreneur, government, women lead industry associations and other stakeholders.

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K Rao